Numerology of Milas

Milas - The Humanitarian

Milas is ambitious and diligent seeking material wealth, power, and fame.
Who disregards conventional rules or laws.

The primary challenge for Milas to overcome:

An obstinate, single minded and stubborn loner who resents anyone else's authority out of pride. Impatient to appreciate others. A cold and tactless selfish demanding authoritarian.



Celestial name meaning 4 Uranus

Celestial Body:

Ruled by Uranus.

Tarot name meaning 1 The Magician Jean Dodal


I The Magician

Milas has 4 Karmic Lessons to be learnt in life:

Milas may be vain, gaudy, superficial and a domineering gossipy egotist . Milas can be fickle wasting money and time by starting projects they'll never finish.

Milas may be impulsive and an impatient opportunist who is erratic, untidy and lacks punctuality.

Milas may have a desire to bring stability to the community which can be intrusively stifling and seen as vain, gossipy and self-righteous.

Milas can be sensitive, shy or secretive from solitary, pessimistic, isolation. They can also come off as cold, devious, and calculating.


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