Numerology of Margeret

Margeret - The Peacemaker

They believe rewards come from determined perseverance.
Who believes rewards come from determined perseverance.

The primary challenge for Margeret to overcome:

Subservient timid and shy followers who are worried by change. They can be unambitious, insecure, malleable and lack self-confidence.



Celestial name meaning 4 Uranus

Celestial Body:

Ruled by Uranus.

Tarot name meaning 11 Strength Jean Dodal


XI Strength

Margeret has 5 Karmic Lessons to be learnt in life:

Margeret may be challenged by ambiguity. Margeret will need to use their subconscious to overcome the unknown and find their own path.

Margeret may be impulsive and an impatient opportunist who is erratic, untidy and lacks punctuality.

Margeret can be sensitive, shy or secretive from solitary, pessimistic, isolation. They can also come off as cold, devious, and calculating.

Margeret can chase physical success and ignore their emotional private life. Lacking patience and empathy they can be ruthlessly thoughtless and self-centred.

Margeret can be seen as egotistical and conceited. Sensitive and prone to self-pity with difficulty letting go or walking away.


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