Numerology of Joey

Joey - The Leader

Joey is ambitious and diligent seeking material wealth, power, and fame.
Who appreciates scientific or spiritual analysis with a global perspective.

The primary challenge for Joey to overcome:

Can be sensitive, shy or secretive from solitary, pessimistic, isolation. They can also come off as cold, devious, and calculating.



Celestial name meaning 1 the Sun

Celestial Body:

Ruled by the Sun.

Tarot name meaning 11 Strength Jean Dodal


XI Strength

Joey has 3 Karmic Lessons to be learnt in life:

Joey may be subservient timid and a shy follower who is worried by change. Joey can be unambitious, insecure, malleable and lack self-confidence.

Joey may be vain, gaudy, superficial and a domineering gossipy egotist . Joey can be fickle wasting money and time by starting projects they'll never finish.

Joey may be impulsive and an impatient opportunist who is erratic, untidy and lacks punctuality.


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